There are many personal grants available from both from Pembroke, specifically for undergraduates here and available to all students here, and the University. These options should be pursued directly through College or University, rather than through the JPC. Below is a fairly comprehensive list of grants and financial support available to undergraduates at Pembroke. If anyone of the information here is incorrect or something is missing please let us know.
If you're not sure if funding applies to you - for example, if you're not sure whether your sport is at a high enough level, ask Becky Coombs! She emphasises that applications are looked at on a case-by-case basis and that you can talk to her directly or put in an application if you're not certain. Finally, if you have any questions or issues concerning your financial situation you should always speak to your tutor - they will be able to help.
Means-tested bursaries are often given automatically, provided your financial situation has been assessed by Goverment Student Finance (the first two listed here fall into this category). However, others require you to apply prior to the start of your degree. In both cases make sure you have checked out the details well in advance of your arrival in Cambridge.
The JPC can reimburse you £40+ for gender-affirming products. Details are on the LGBT+ welfare page.