If you have any concerns or need someone to talk to, please contact the JP Women’s & Non-Binary Welfare Officer Vic Moreland at
Also know that other forms of welfare support are available in college, including your tutor and the College Nurse (jan.brighting@pem.cam.ac.uk). There is also a college counselling service. Please feel free to utilise the full welfare team, whether that be, for example, the BME Officer or the Disabled Students’ officer.
The JP’s Women’s & Non-Binary Welfare officer runs safe spaces bi-weekly, which are usually focused on an activity, such as collaging. They’re designed for women and non-binary identifying members of college only, to provide a space free from judgement and discrimination.
If you have ever experienced sexual harassment or misconduct at Cambridge, there are multiple reporting options, some being anonymous, and some formal. If you would like to find out more, and talk through them, please contact the JP Women's + NB Officer Tilly Harrison at
Launched in 2017, the Breaking the Silence Campaign is dedicated to maintaining a safe, welcoming, inclusive and diverse community, without fear of sexual violence, abuse, coercive behaviour or related misconduct. The campaign focuses on reporting, support for survivors, the importance of consent and how to be a good supporter. For more information, follow the link here.
The Jo Cox Feminist Society meets every two weeks during term time to discuss a wide range of topics. Each week is led by someone (usually the women’s officer but not always) on a topical feminist issue, or discussing an article/book chapter as a reading group format. The sessions complement the fortnightly Safe Spaces, run by Vic (Women’s welfare officer) for women and non-binary people only! You can like Jo Cox FemSoc on FB here.
A highlight of the feminist Pembroke calendar is International Women’s Week in March. The week culminates with a special formal held in Hall. Preceding this formal are a variety of events; this year we had a creative writing workshop, film screening and a symposium hearing from women in academia. The dinner is a lovely, celebratory event aiming to celebrate women and non-binary people from all walks of life. Special hangings cover the portraits and placemats commemorate amazing women. Definitely something to look forward to in Lent!
Something Tilly continues to work on is the provision of free menstrual products to any Pembroke students that need them (initiated by her amazing predecessor, Maya). College now supplies menstrual products in most of the public loos (i.e. the library and the JP) and will hopefully be expanding this next year. Over lockdown we ran a scheme where people could claim a free menstrual cup through the JPC and this will hopefully be repeated next year so keep your eyes peeled!